Year 2033. Horrible Post-Apocalyptic world of 40000 people. They
have been living in metro of a big ex-USSR city – Moscow, for 20
terrible years. Nuclear war destroyed their homeland. These people are
the last representatives of mankind - human cycle of evolution nears
its end, new species (very ugly) appear on the surface of the Earth
and deep inside of metro. Some people inside the metro still remember
happy years before THAT DAY and they still believe that one day they
will return up to the surface. What’s present is a very heavy
psychological atmosphere: small children who will never see sky, old
people who still remember the PAST times, and young men and women who
fight for their world, for their children. Each station became a
country, with its government, army, borders and many other things from
the past. Firearms cartridges serve as currency. This small dying
world is a precise copy of the past big world. Do these humans have
future or we are doomed for extinction? Maybe answers can be found on
the surface, or in deep secret military underground laboratories. Who
- Location – post-apocalyptic Moscow, the life of humanity gleams in metro (subway) tunnels, and the stations turned into small states with different political regimes.
- Variety of gameplay styles – possibility to play as a heavy strike fighter, as an inconspicuous killer.
- A player, who attentively follows the events in the game world, will find out ways to influence the advance of the plot and may reach the non-standard end. Besides the basic plot, there is a variety of non-obligatory tasks.
- In station-cities it is possible to meet as fighters, as peaceful citizens and the station lives its own life independent from player.
- The high-level AI empowered to model the NPC behaviour in close combat similar to real people actions. The enemies may conduct simple and aimed fire, avoid line of fire, hide in covers, ambush and attack suddenly, call for help, and mention a character hidden in shadow.
- A number of various anomalies: gravitation distortion, energy clot (looking at some of which the character may perish), intelligent immaterial images, which punish with death for any aggression at their presence and many other, the role of which will be discovered only before the game release.
- Ammo-money. Fire off money or be economic, use tactics.
- Variety of mini games.
Unique machinery of new world: trolleys which act as armored personal carriers, weaponry made from remains, with only few abilities compared to originals. - DOWNLOAD
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